4 years ago
New Features - January 2021
Get ready for some new amazing stuff! We are happy to announce our new toys below and please feel free to share your feedback:
- 📊 EXCEL AND CSV EXPORT FOR COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: Integrating data across platforms undeniably important for digital marketers and we were always aware about your expectations from our platform at this point. As a first step, we have launched our Excel/CSV export feature for competitor analysis module 😻
- 👾 ENHANCED API IN PRIVATE BETA: Yes, it is for real 💥 As a second step of our integration with other platforms you use in your daily life, we were working on our public API for a long time and finally, we are in private beta. With our users help, publish, engage and listen modules will be available to integrate with third party platforms in the end of our beta period. Please feel free to have a look on our documentation and contact with us here if you want to participate to private beta as well ✌
Sociality.io Team